Icicle Divers Sub Aqua Club

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Try a Dive

Thinking about learning to Scuba Dive?

Or ever wondered what it feels like to breathe under water?

Why not try a "Try-Dive"? Now there is no excuse. You can try out a new sport, experience weightlessness and take a look at an entirely new world.

Each try-dive is about 1 hour in duration, which includes a poolside brief. This is followed by a scuba dive in the warmth and safety of the pool, with your instructor, who will make sure you get maximum enjoyment from your first scuba dive, all for the sum of £20.00*.

For further information or to book a try-dive, please contact Mandy on 01270 509968, email contact@icicledivers.co.uk or come along to our club night at Crewe Swimming pool, any Monday evening at 20.45 hours (except Bank Holidays).

* £10.00 refundable if you sign up for a further course

Try Dive Gift Packs

Try Dive Gift Packs are available to anyone who wants to purchase a pack for friends, relatives etc.

The pack consists of: Dive Voucher (Valid for 6 months... must be authorised by icicle divers on purchase), Information sheet, FAQ's & Release form.

Contact Icicle Divers to book your Try Dive Gift Pack or for more information on 01270 509968 or email icicledivers@yahoo.co.uk.

Contact Us by Hilltops IT 2005